The CCLN team

Mark Melanson, Sarah Burgett and Julie Beadle-Brown. 

As Executive Director of CCLN, Mark provides oversight of the PAVE project and is the primary contact person for the Department of Developmental Services. He chairs the Stakeholder advisory group and liaises with partner organizations and CCLN membership.  His advocacy experience is key to reaching out to the community about the project and ensuring the right people are kept up to date about what is going on.

Sarah Burgett is the Chief Operating Officer and oversees all things… well, operational – budget and finances, human resources and sub-contracts, and other things as the need arises.

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Sarah also brings substantial developmental disability and service expertise from her previous role at Toolworks and will be leading some of the external consultation elements that will be part of the project.

Julie Beadle-Brown is the PAVE project manager. Julie moved from the UK to California in 2022 to take up this role and has been on a steep learning curve about all things Californian ever since! Julie is responsible for leading the main activities of the PAVE project – the development of the measures, the training, the software content and she coordinates with other members of the team to ensure the work is carried out. She liaises with the Stakeholder advisory group and prepares the materials for those meetings.

Members of the CCLN Board of Directors also support the work of the PAVE project through regular meetings to update and discuss the project and often bring their experience to the table to help the team make important decisions.

Subject matter expert, Laura Brackin  

Our subject matter expert, Laura Brackin, of Brackin & Associates, provides guidance and support to the project manager on all aspects of the project in particular, she helps Julie to understand how the systems work in the USA and provides expertise on the HCBS Final Settings Rule and Compliance.  She is supporting the development of materials related to person-centered thinking, planning and practice and workforce development.  

For more information see:


Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota

Our research and data analysis team at the Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota – Renata Ticha, Brian Abery, Matt Roberts, Jan Siska and Alec Nyce – play a three-part role in the PAVE project.  

1.       They will analyse the data collected as part of the PAVE system and develop dashboards to share the PAVE outcomes data.
2.       They will help us develop and test the measures that we will use to measure quality and outcomes.
3.       They will carry out an robust evaluation of the usefulness and impact of the PAVE system and how easy it is to use all the elements.   

To find out more about the Institute on Community integration go to:

The National Quality Forum

The team at the National Quality Forum – Charles Amos, Rebecca Payne and Katie Berryman - support the work of PAVE by convening meetings of an expert panel who will review and give feedback on different elements of the project.  They will focus on the measurement of outcomes and how we will evaluate the PAVE project.  They also support the CCLN team with access to outcome measures and to information related to measure development.

To find out more about the National Quality Forum, go to:

Stakeholder advisory group

We also have a 33-member Stakeholder Advisory Group. Our current members are listed below.  We are very happy that more than half the members are self-advocates and family members.   The stakeholder advisory group meets once a month to comment on or discuss our plans, measures, methods and materials.  

Elizabeth Grisby (self-advocate)

Lisa Cooley (self-advocate)

Keith Bonchek (self-advocate)

Tim Jin (self-advocate)

Sascha Bittner (self-advocate)

Viri Salgado (self-advocate)

Tara Wood (self-advocate)

Miguel Lugo (self-advocate)

Seth Hendricks (self-advocate)

Kiare Marie Hedglin (self-advocate)

Joyce McNair (family member)

Alicia Wagnon (family member)

Judy Mark (family member; DVU)

Vivian Haun (family member; DRC)

Kelly Kulzer-Reyes (family member; TAFT college)

Kavita Sreedhar (family member; PRAGNYA)

Anna Wang (family member; FCSN)

Kim Sinclair (family member; ASLA)

Lisa Kleinbub (Regional Center)

Lori Banales (Regional Center)

Tony Anderson (Regional Center)

Mark Klaus (Regional Center)

Sofia Campos (Service provider)

Eric Ciampa (Service provider)

Harry Bruell (Service provider)

Edward Amey (Service provider)

Scott Shepherd (Service provider)

Miles Nosches (Service provider)

Lupe Trevizo Reinoso (service Provider)

Barry Jardini (CDSA)

Sheraden Nicholau (State Council on DD)

Amy Westling (ARCA)

Teresa Anderson (California Policy Center for IDD)

California Community Living Network
Contact Info:

Mark Melanson

Chief Executive Officer
California Community Living Network

166 Geary St

STE 1500 #1802

San Francisco, CA 94108

Phone: (415) 505-5975

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